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[유투브 영상] How to apologize (1) 본문

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[유투브 영상] How to apologize (1)

다양한 꿀팁을 공유합니다 2019. 8. 27. 10:57

Love means never having to say sorry. The quote may be famous but we're here at well-cast disagree.

The ability to pluck up the courage to sincerely apologize is one of the most important skills you'll learn in life. and it especially beomes handy with the people you love. Of course apologizing can be terrifying. It's the kind of thing you build up into a huge deal , the kind of thing you sleep over and perhaps continue to pull it off? we all do.


and this week we took a viewer suggestions form spilospud we're going to walk you through that difficult akward sweaty moment

when you have to take a deep breath and say I'm sorry.

It turns out people who are able to bite the bullet and apologize are emotionally healthier than those who can't.

A study done at Grant MacEwan university in Edmonto found that people with self-esteem feel worse after a conflict and are less likely to apologize for it. On the other hand, there's a strong correlation between strong self-esteem and the abillity to apologize.

Here's one more thing. A university of Illinois stutdy found that people who apologized tend to fare better financially than those who don't. Are you still putting it off? Alright, but just remember. what William shakespeare said.


Cowards die many times before their death. what all wll means here is putting off an apology is a lot more painful than

actually apologizing.  Let's get to our four steps.


step #1

Assess the situation

making this apology is going to be like climbing a mountain. you want to survey the terrain and watch out for any rocks or boulders that are going to be especially hard do get over. So first, on your well cast worksheet, simply write down the whole story of whatever happened.










